Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hey everyone. This morning we had a check-up appointment to make sure everything was going well with the baby. We were able to hear the heartbeat once again and it sounded great. Allyson is doing very well and everything seems to be on schedule. Our next appointment is on July 17 in which an ultrasound will be performed and we will be able to determine the sex of the baby. We are very excited and can't wait until that appointment.

I thought it might be fun to have everyone leave a comment at this blog entry and tell us what you think the sex of the baby will be, how much it might weigh, and how long you think it will be. Then after the delivery we can come back to these comments and see who got the closest. Make sure you leave your name with your estimates so that we will know the winner.

Things have been a little crazy around here with the sale of the house, then not selling the house so keep us in your thoughts as we deal with all the extra stress this is causing. Our main priority is keeping the baby safe and healthy and wherever we end up of living will be fine. I will post again in about a month. Stay tuned.