Thursday, August 6, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Allyson and I had another doctor's visit on Thursday, July 30th. This was our follow-up visit to try and get the remaining measurements that could not be obtained in the last visit due to the baby's position. This time the baby was very active and the nurse was able to get everything she needed. We were able to see all the chambers of the heart, the kidneys, the blood flow and the spinal length. At our last visit the baby weighed in at 9.5 ounces and at this visit he weighed in at 13 ounces. Everything looked great and his weight is right on schedule. We are so excited.

We cleaned out the back room last weekend so that we could turn the room into the baby's nursery. Allyson ordered a crib, dresser and baby changing station this week. We plan to paint the room but haven't decided what color yet. We have started buying little onsies, outfits and shoes and they are so adorable. I can't wait to give him a bath and put him in one of those comfy outfits and fall asleep with him in my arms.

This should be the last ultrasound we have done so there won't be any more baby pictures until he is born. I am however, planning on getting some tummy pictures posted as soon as I can. Keep checking back for more updates.