Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hey everybody

Sorry that it has been so long since I have updated the blog but as you can imagine we have been really busy. Because I have been so slack I made sure to post lots of new pictures of Allyson's tummy for everyone to see. Check them out below.

Allyson is doing great and looking beautiful. She went to the doctor on September 7th for a glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes. The test results were negative so we were happy about that. Then we had a check-up appointment on September 10th with Dr. Robinson. We were able to hear the baby's heartbeat and the doctor informed us that everything looked and sounded great. Today, Allyson went to the doctor for her Rh negative antibody test and tomorrow she will be receiving the Rh injection. Our next check-up appointment is scheduled for October 8th.

Allyson is really looking forward to her upcoming baby showers in October. Her first shower is going to be held in Fayetteville on October 4th. Her second shower will be held in Wilmington on October 24th. I'm sure that many of you that are reading this blog have been invited to at least one of the showers so make sure to bring your cameras and takes lots of pictures for me to post on this blog.

Allyson and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary last weekend (September 20th) and took a long weekend trip to the mountains. We stayed in a bed and breakfast right on the Parkway in Fancy Gap, Virginia for 2 nights (Friday and Saturday) then stayed at a hotel in Boone the last night (Sunday). The weather was kind of crummy on Sunday and Monday but was beautiful on Friday and Saturday. We had a great time driving the Parkway in a little convertable sportscar and visiting a few tourist attractions along the way. The pictures below are from our trip and they really illustrate how much Allyson is showing now days.

Well we think we have decided the name for our new baby boy. Caden Jackson Steen!!! We have gone around and around with baby names and Caden is what we both like. Picking a name is such a huge responsibility but we believe we made a good choice.

Guess that is it for now. I will make sure to keep the blog updated more now that we are getting so close to the due date. The next posting should have baby shower pictures so make sure to check back around the 5th for all the latest developments. See ya.