Sunday, June 20, 2010

Today Caden and I celebrated our first Father's Day together and it was fantastic. We had a wonderful dinner and I received some very nice gifts. Caden continues to do very well. He is flipping over just about every time we lay him down and he makes all kinds of cute noises. He is sleeping and eating very well and he is such a good baby. He will be 7 months old already next Friday. Time sure is going fast. We plan on taking him for his first boat ride next weekend so I'll be sure to take pictures. Check back in a couple of weeks.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Well Caden had his 6 month check-up last Friday. He weighs 18.70 pounds and was 27 3/4" long. He is right on track with his weight and length so we are very happy. He had to get another round of shots so that wasn't very fun but we all made it through it okay. We took Caden to the beach again last night and he really enjoyed himself. I posted some pictures below. He is starting to eat regular foods now is has really been sleeping well the past few nights. He actually slept 12 hours straight on Friday night! Maybe he will continue to sleep through the night from now on. Keep checking back for more pictures. Bye for now.