Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today was an exciting day. Allyson and I were able to see our child for the first time. An ultrasound was performed which allowed us to see the baby and see the tiny little heart beating. There was only one heartbeat so no chance of twins or anything like that. Everything is going great and both Allyson and the baby are doing fine. Based on the ultrasound the due date is December 12, 2009. But like the doctor said, the baby will come when it is ready. We have another appointment scheduled in 4 weeks which will mean Allyson will be just over 11 weeks pregnant at that time. At that appointment we should be able to actually hear the heart beating. We are so excited and overwhelmed with happiness that everything is going so smoothly. As soon as Allyson starts showing I will start taking pictures weekly of her tummy so everyone can keep up with the progress. In the meantime, I will periodically post some pictures along with another entry after our next doctor's appointment so keep checking back for updates.

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