Sunday, November 1, 2009

Well a lot has happen since my last posting. Allyson's had 2 baby showers (1 in Fayetteville and 1 in Wilmington), we have completed our birthing classes that were provided through Allyson's OBGYN office, and we have started our Lamaze classes at a local church.
The baby showers went great and we received lots of cute clothes and many of the things that Allyson registered for. Thanks to everyone who came to the showers for making them such a wonderful experience for Allyson. She really had a lot of fun at both of them. The pictures below are from the Fayetteville shower and the pictures above are from the Wilmington shower.
The birthing classes were very interesting and helpful in preparing us for what is ahead. We were able to watch a video of a natural childbirth (which was an eye opener for me, to say the least) and a video of a C-Section birth. The nurse was able to address some of our concerns about the birthing experience and I think Allyson and I both are a little more prepared. We began our Lamaze classes yesterday and it was a lot of fun. There are only 2 other couples in the class with us so it is very personal and hands on. We have one more class to attend next Saturday.
The nursery is starting to come along nicely. We have the crib, dresser, and changing station in the room and our chair has arrived but we haven't picked it up yet. We are waiting on curtains and blinds and then I think it will be all ready for Caden's arrival. I will post pictures once it is completed.
With only an estimated 6 weeks until delivery, Allyson and I are really getting excited to meet our new little boy. Keep checking back for new posts and pictures. Take care.

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